Weekend 6th February 2009 Roundup

I went into this weekend really happy with my selections knowing any 2 turned a profit and pretty confident of that but ended up with just one winner and it being the lowest price of the lot. City won 1-0 to start it off, Cagliari lost 1-0 and then Bilbao lost 2-1. The only winner was the corner bet and when I saw 6 corners at HT and knowing Arsenal were down to 0 thought that bet was doomed. Got some luck there thankfully as they only managed another 4.

92 Bets (87 points staked) :: 34 won – 51 lost – 6 void – 1 half void :: -5.87 points

There are a few games on Tuesday night and will check the weather outlook and then the games tomorrow. Otherwise it’s international midweek and some good games to enjoy.

* This does not include the 3 antepost bets.

“If I lose today, I can look forward to winning tomorrow, and if I win today, I can expect to lose tomorrow. A sure thing is no fun.” – Chico Marx

8 Feb, 09 | Comments Closed

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