European Championships Round Up

Well I hoped we might go out with a bang but it was more a whimper. Again, I called the winner but got my bets mixed up and it has been a dissapointing tournament.

3 win / 13 bets / 10.5 points staked :: -3.9

That's a pretty big hit so apologies if anyone did follow me. The antepost bets did not give us a run for our money and that was where the first 3 points went. No use crying over spilt milk and its onwards and upwards.

I think the best team won and although it was an entertaining tournament not many teams looked that good. Many teams were too old in my opinion and I'd be interested to know the average ages of the squads and I know Russia was the lowest but I imagine Spain is pretty low.

I have just started work on a new console for the coming season and hope to have some improvements to it. Thanks to everyone for your comments so far and if anyone else has requests please email

I'll keep this blog ticking over in the coming weeks with progress updates and I think the new season is only around 6 weeks away.

30 Jun, 08 | Comments Closed